If you do use Netscape Mail to read mail on a regular basis, you may want to filter certain types of messages to a location other than your inbox (for example, unwanted "spam" types of messages).
1. Go to the Tools menu and select Message Filters.
2. In the Message Filters window, if you have multiple mail accounts, choose the one to which you want to apply the filter, then click New.
3. In the Filter Rules window, type a name for the filter, then specify the types of messages to act on, and the action you want the filter to perform.
4. Select the matching option you want Mail to use: "all of the following conditions" (criteria) you choose, or "at least one" of the conditions.
5. Use the drop-down lists to choose the search criteria (for example, "Subject," "Sender," "contains," "doesn't contain") and then type the text or phrase you want to match.
5. To restrict your filter to messages that only match a certain priority, choose an option for priority from the drop-down list.
7. Click More to add criteria and Fewer to remove them.
8. Use the drop-down list to choose the action you want the filter to perform on the messages (for example, Move to Folder).
9. Choose a destination folder in which to store the messages, or create a new folder.
10. Click OK to confirm your settings.
For more information on Netscape Mail filtering, go to the Help menu, choose Help and Support Center, Using Netscape Mail, then Organizing Your Messages and Creating Message Filters.