After the recent announcement about the future of My.Netscape, there have been a number of questions posed to our feedback channels. We thought it best to assemble answers to as many of the questions as possible in a Q&A format. Without further ado:
Question: I still use Netscape 7.0, 7.1 or 7.2. Will the change on September 1st affect Mail and newsgroups, address book, download manager and password manager?
Answer: The change on September 1st relates to the My.Netscape service. Netscape 7 browser features listed above are not reliant on My.Netscape to operate. However, please note that official support for Netscape browsers has ended.
Question: I still use Netscape 7 (or Netscape 8, or Flock) - where can I go to find my e-mail, given the upcoming changes to My.Netscape?
Answer: Netscape mail can still be found at:
Question: I am using Netscape as my browser on Windows 98. What will I need to do on September 1st about e-mail?
Answer: Netscape recommends Flock and Firefox browsers for all those wanting a current web browsing experience. Netscape mail can be and will be found at:
Question: I switched to Flock when official support ended for the Netscape Browser. What will I have to do on September 1st?
Answer: Flock will continue to operate after September 1st. If you have saved preferences with the My.Netscape service, you will need to find a new provider for things such as stock portfolios or bookmarks.
Question: I am using Netscape 7 (or Netscape 8, or Flock, or Firefox) - will my My.Netscape bookmarks be transferred as Favorites in my browser?
Answer: No, My.Netscape bookmarks are not automatically transferred to your browser. You will need to re-enter your bookmarks with a new service.
Question: Will this move require me to sign up with AOL?
Answer: No, can be viewed without having to sign into AOL.
Question: Will allow me to customize the content on my page, the way My.Netscape did?
Answer: My.Netscape is what is known as a "personalized start page," which is not. Other start pages include My Yahoo and Netvibes. To customize the content on your page, you will need to migrate to another service.
Question: Will I still be able to use my e-mail address after September 1st?
Answer: Yes. Netscape mail will still be available at: as before. You will not need to change your e-mail address because of the changes to My.Netscape.
Question: What will happen with the portfolios I set up on My.Netscape after September 1st?
Answer: You will need to recreate your portfolio information on another service. My.Netscape is what is known as a "personalized start page".
Question: After September 1st, what will become of the bookmarks I created on My.Netscape? Will they be imported to, or somewhere else?
Answer: Bookmarks will not be automatically imported to another service. Please take this time to migrate your bookmarks to a new provider of your choice.
Question: How do I migrate My.Netscape to a new provider?
Answer: There is no automatic way to do this. You would need to sign up for an account at a new provider and then use that service to re-enter any preference information you had on My.Netscape. It is strongly recommended that you do this before September 1st, while My.Netscape is still available to refer to.
Question: Does this mean that the Netscape ISP (also known as Netscape Connect, or Walmart Connect) is shutting down?
Answer: No. The Netscape ISP (Internet Service Provider) will continue to operate, and be unaffected by the changes to My.Netscape. The Netscape ISP service line is 1-866-541-8233.
Question: I'm using an older system and would like a recommendation for a new service that would work with my system.
Answer: We're sorry, we are unable to provide any specific recommendations for a new service to use after My.Netscape.
Question: Does this affect me using the Netscape Browser?
Answer: Yes, official support for the Netscape Browser has ended.
Question: When My.Netscape switches to on September 1st, will be a free service, or will there be a fee to access it?
Answer: will continue to be a free service.
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